How can we help you?

We work with experienced and specialised consultants to ensure your business gets the best service. We’re also pretty well-priced because we only do what YOU NEED.

If you’re just starting out, give us a ring for a chat to talk through your options. Some of our services are listed below, but it’s not an exhaustive list, so if you need anything to do with media or communications, we can help.

Social Media Training

Our plan is not to manage your social media, but rather find out what your social media needs are.

We’ll do a full audit of your online presence and then create a strategy to manage the various areas. This could include simple techniques like creating paid posts or original content, but also sometimes suggesting the (occasionally brave) step of perhaps removing some of your channels, so you aren’t diluting your message. How long we work with you depends on you, however, we try to work with businesses for a maximum of six months, so that you are independent.

We work with dozens of small businesses across the south west and help them build an online presence.

We’ll help you create a Social Media Profile and teach you to be effective on the right platforms  to use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest effectively – whatever is relevant to your business – and give you advice on what is relevant for you. Usually this is done over a 2-3 month period and included in our audit.

Proof-reading and Editing

Typos can make yuo look rther silley… so this is prbably some of the most important work I do.

I proofread apps, websites, CVs, scripts, local government presentations, dissertations, business cases, grant applications – anything that needs a second, third or fourth pair of eyes.

I have been editing large-scale documents and scripts over the past 20 years, and I can assure you, I have never got a script across my desk that didn’t have a typo or two in it. After going through documents manually, then proofreading software and using another consultant, I will then look through it again. You can be assured there will be no typos I have missed. However…Proofreading and Editing are separate offers, so if you do not ask for editing, then despite it being needed and as much as it kills me to do it, I will not tamper with the grammar or writing style.

If you’re a student that needs an essay proof-reading, I do this for free on the weekends – so get in touch 🙂

Media Training

Speaking to the media is a skill. Make sure you get your message out with impact. It’s good to be cautious when speaking to journalists, but getting your name out in a news bulletin or 5 is actually free advertising. We’ll offer a three-hour course on how to speak to the media, how to get your message out and most importantly, how to be confident while doing it. This training is also great if you just want to feel confident with presentations – digital or in person. Also, even without the coronavirus lockdown, we offered this on video chat, so get in touch!

Also, don’t forget to ask about our video editing and social media training packages – £40 pp for up to 8 people at a time in 90 minutes. It’s a steal that will change your life.

Podcast combo

If you would like to answer your clients questions directly, while simultaneously advertising to potential clients, then you might want to start a podcast. We can produce and edit this for you, including scriptwriting and music production. Usually we can do this within a maximum of 3 days. This will be for embedding on your website but can also be listed on trusted podcast providers such as TuneIn Radio, iTunes, Spotify etc.

Podcast production

You can ask us to just create the music, write the script and suggest the guests for your podcast.

Podcast editing 

You could send us an unedited podcast of up to three hours, with your purchased music and we will professionally edit this for you to the timing of your choice.

For a list of our prices go here